ALU LIKE, Inc. has a comprehensive range of services and activities to fill identified needs in the Native Hawaiian community, including community economic development, business assistance, employment preparation, training, library services, educational and childcare services for families with young children.Read More
Aloha United Way 211 Specialists are trained to help you find food, shelter, financial assistance, childcare, parenting support, kūpuna care, disability services, job training and more.Read More
The Maui Food Bank distributes safe and nutritious food to individuals, families, kids, the working poor, seniors on fixed incomes, the homeless and anyone who is at risk of going hungry.Read More
We use supplemental food programs, traditional food pantries and congregate meal sites to provide people with access to the type of food assistance they need.Read More
OHA works to improve the wellbeing of Native Hawaiians through advocacy, research, community engagement, land management and the funding of community programs.Read More
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